Saturday, June 12, 2010

End of week two!

Hey everyone :)
This has been one crazy week I'll tell ya what! Every day seems like I get busier and busier.
God's been doing some awesome things! I've had the pleasure of getting to know Cody Fulk, he works at Feed My Sheep Ministries, the homeless shelter. I can honestly say, I have never met anyone before who knows the Bible better than this guy! I've been able to ask him about anything in the Bible that I didnt really understand he would ask me questions about it, and have me answer them, in a way that answered my questions. He also really has challenged me to get into the word. He told me once I get home I should find someone to weekly read a book in the Bible with and then discuss what God has taught us through it, and now I have someone to do that with once I get home. He told me "I have learned so much more just studying the Bible with a friend than I have in school." Cody and his family are moving to Uganda at the end of July to be missionaries. Not just going for a certain amount of time, but literally moving there. When people ask him how long they'll be there his response is "30 years." Here's the website Cody has set up for his trip, if you can support them in any way, do it. He doesnt have any set job, they're just living off of what they can raise. Cody and his family are going to do some really amazing things!

Feed My Sheep has been awesome! Been really starting to build relationships with the homeless there. There's one guy Cooter, he's hilarious! He talks sooo fondly about his grandkids, and kids. He'll be getting to see some of them soon, and is so excited about it! It's hard to hear a lot of their stories, but some of them are just a stroke of bad luck. There are some that are bad into drugs and alcohol, but not all of them. A lot of them will just go out and drink on the weekends, not during the week, cause they know if they come into The Sheep drunk, they wont be allowed to stay. Ever since I started working there, all my stereotypes, and judgements about the homeless has gone completely out the window. They are some of the nicest, most humble people you could EVER meet!

This town is so pretty, and I just love it. It stormed last night, and today a bit, but its so weird, you'll look out one way, and storm, you look out another way, complete sunshine. Like as I started writing this blog, it was raining and hailing, but the sun was shining. So amazing! AND no humidity even when it does rain haha. I have my new camera now, so I'm taking pictures trying to catch up from the last 2 weeks, but it's hard cause I dont go do much stuff yet.

This week I'm going to be driving to and from Craig, CO working at a church with their Vacation Bible School. I'm really looking forward to it cause I'm in charge of the recreation for the preschoolers. I will honestly say I was really bummed when I found out I wasnt going to be working with kids this year, but I was also really excited about working with adults and learning how to build relationships with them. I've learned so much about how to reach out to your community, and I'll learn even more next month. I'm really excited about seeing how churches here reach out. It's such a big part of ministry here, and they realize that reaching out is what you really have to do. they realize that you have to have events on neutral ground if you really want people from your community to come. I'm so excited to learn more from Lee, and Cody, and everyone here! It's so amazing!

I'm trying to read through the whole Bible by July 31st I'm in Exodus right now, but I'm behind. A Few days ago I was eating dinner with my host family, Kaitlyn the 15 year old daughter is not a christian. During dinner we were talking, and got on the subject of religion, and her and I had an awesome talk! It takes a lot for her to open up and trust, but she opened right up and was talking to me about it. I'm really looking forward to talking to her more, and hopefully by the end of the summer having her accept christ, and if not, at least that seed was planted.

Anyways, I need to finish getting ready to go set up for VBS. Be praying for me this week that the VBS goes on without any problems, and that more conversations with Kaitlyn will open up, and that her heart and mind would be open to what I have to say.

In Christ,

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